
a smol dithered phone - a small dithered pda - a small dithered chain

links. to places. to things.

    Social Media

BlueSky - a place like twitter but with way less nazis.

PixelFed - federated instagram replacement.

    Off Grid Communications

meshtastic - most popular LoRa network, though lacks forward secrecy.

rnode - works over rnsd and lxmf. security is great, though not a mesh.

    Better Internet/Small Web

68k News - stripped down news aggrigator.

marginalia search - great search for non commercial sites. love the random button.

yesterweb - community with a manifesto, and a list of manifestos.

melonland manifesto list - speaking of manifestos.

a big list of personal websites - why haven't i added myself to this?

home - phone - diary - links